

Welcome to my blog! This is where I document my adventures in food, travel, and mindfulness....and more food! Hope you have a nice stay!

Cinnamon Apple Chips

Cinnamon Apple Chips

I am a crunchy muncher. When I’m working I like to keep a snack nearby, and I loooove crunchy snacks! I tried some apple chips, immediately fell in love, and HAD to figure out how to make those delicious little goodies. The package listed the only ingredients as apples, sugar and cinnamon, so I was pretty confident I could make them…but not really sure if I could get the same crunchiness without a commercial dehydrator. Or whatever magic they used. Plus, I really wanted to ty to make them without any added sugar. I like regular apples without sugar, so why add sugar to dehydrated apples?

Y'all, trust me on this. Try these apples. They are guilt free and so easy.

Slice your apples (If you have a mandolin, even better), spread them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and sprinkle them with cinnamon. Pop them in the oven at 225, and set a timer for 1 hour. At 1 hour, flip your apples, sprinkle the other side with cinnamon, and set your timer for another hour. Next, test your apples! If they're crispy enough for you (not squishy) pull them out and enjoy! 


Meal Prep

Meal Prep

Everythang Soup

Everythang Soup